Monday, September 22, 2008

I have been running for about the last 17 years. It is a passion of mine and I have had so many wonderful coaches and mentors that i would love to share what I have learned and been taught. I would love to answers any questions that you may have about speed work, mileage, racing, recovery, nutrition and etc..... Running is truly a guessing game and hopefully this blog will allow runners to express concerns and tips that have helped them get through the sluggish part.

Tip for the day: If you are feeling a little heavy and sluggish and you are not a big red meat eater your iron is probably low. My college coach at BYU taught me this important principle. You can try all the pills and liquid iron but wouldn't you rather fill the tub with a bucket instead of a cup. All you need is the size of your palm pop it like a pill if you have to but JUST DO IT!!!